I am always enthusiastic about working with creative, interdisciplinary and self‑motivated students and postdoctoral fellows who are passionate about geoscience and nature at large. Given the diverse research topics studied in the B.A.B. Lab, there is always room for interesting collaborations! Having a diverse, inclusive and welcoming Lab is something I strive for, and hence, I encourage underrepresented students and postdocs within Geosciences from the USA and abroad to contact me. If you are a motivated student / researcher with a strong science background, please do contact me to explore potential collaborations! Please, include your CV and a brief description of your interests and their relationship with the research done at the B.A.B. Lab.
When funding is available, I will be actively recruiting MSc and Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers (Current Opportunities), however, I strongly encourage those students and postdoctoral researcher who want to apply for external fellowships to discuss with me potential projects in advance. See below for information about fellowships.
Regardless of whether you are planning to apply for undergraduate or postdoctoral scholarships, the sooner you contact me to discuss potential projects and steps to follow the better! Please allow yourself at least a three month period before the deadline to contact me and work on your application.
Below you will find some scholarships and fellowships targeted from undergraduate students to postdoctoral researcher (US citizens and foreigners). However, there are many other private and state sponsored fellowships that are not included in this list.